Freedom to move.

By understanding the cumulative results of stress placed on your body, I restore and maintain posture, balance, mobility, stability, and strength, which allows the body to move freely and without pain.


The PF Process




I begin with a detailed assessment of your body, which will allow me to determine any deficits or imbalances that may be affecting your movements.



Next, I design an exercise program specific to you, which starts with self-myofascial release (SMR) and progresses with lengthening, muscular activation, strengthening, and integrative movement.



The exercises I guide you through will begin to reduce bodily compensation patterns caused by muscular imbalances and re-educate your body and its biomechanics. This will encourage your body to move as designed, which allows you to function at your peak and feel better.

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We continuously learn together, adapt, and modify the exercise program to address your specific physical needs.

Learn More About Corrective Exercise

What is corrective exercise?


A corrective exercise specialist (CES) is a certified professional who works with individuals to help restore movement and postural alignment to alleviate joint and muscle pain. Combining their knowledge of anatomy and human movement with musculoskeletal assessments, corrective exercises, and individual training program design, a CES can correct neuromusculoskeletal imbalances to help people achieve their goal of restoring a fully functional and active life.


Why use corrective exercise?


Research suggests that musculoskeletal pain is more common now than it was 40 years ago, which indicates that the decreased activity of modern life may lead to musculoskeletal dysfunction and, ultimately, injury. Some causes of these injuries may include repetitive movements, overuse, sedentary living, and improper movement techniques. 

Corrective exercise seeks to counteract these causes through personalized, highly targeted exercises that promote natural and unencumbered movement as the human body was designed.


What issues will corrective exercise tackle?


Corrective exercise can tackle many challenges one might be facing. Below are some of the common symptoms I see:

  • Poor posture

  • Injury compensation

  • Tightness or weakness in areas of the body

  • Improper body movements

People seeking corrective exercise may have difficulty with pain, stability, or range of motion in their:

  • Neck

  • Shoulders

  • Back

  • Hips

  • Knees

  • Feet

Many of Physically Focused’s clients are referred to us by physicians, physical therapists, clients, coaches, personal trainers, or massage therapists.


Who works with a corrective exercise specialist?


Everyone! Whether you are inactive, active, or an elite athlete recovering from an injury, corrective exercise can help you feel better than ever.

Somebody recovering from an injury would certainly benefit from this type of specialized exercise, but so would anybody interested in maximizing their fitness potential and proactively staving off some of the common physiological effects of aging.

Corrective exercise addresses joint inflexibility, muscle instability, and the faulty body mechanics that can lead to poor posture, injury, and pain, which makes it an ideal form of exercise therapy for everyone.